** Improve Your Pet’s Health Naturally!**
WARNING: Supplementing a Poor Quality Diet will not dramatically improve your Pet’s Health. The first key to Great Health is Great Nutrition! Many chronic illnesses can be improved with a good quality, all-natural diet. Diet is the first step in treating any disease. Please read the Nutrition Page for more information on what food labels really mean. Keys to finding a good quality food are at the bottom of this page as well.
Acidophilus Aids Digestion... Lactobacillus acidophilus, digestion-friendly bacteria that speed the breakdown of food in the intestines to nix gas. Also, beneficial to replace the good bacteria in the gut after antibiotic treatment. Give 1 teaspoon of plain yogurt for every 10 pounds twice a day. ALSO IN DANCING PAWS SHAKE N ZYME AVAILABLE FROM DR. FRY.
Aloe Vera is an excellent preparation to use topically for skin conditions such as minor abrasions, wounds, allergic irritations, burns, and many types of dermatitis. Aloe Vera will decrease inflammation as well as speed healing. It is very soothing to the skin. Aloe Vera can also help conditions of the digestive system, Vomiting and diarrhea also often respond to oral administration of Aloe Vera Gel combined with bland diets. The easiest way to use aloe is to grow your own plant. However, if you do buy a commercial preparation it is important to note that benzoic acid is a known toxin to cats and should be avoided.
Apple Cider Vinegar helps Pets with arthritic conditions, improves digestion, increases resistance to diease and gives a beautiful shine to their coats! Use only raw, unpasterized, unheated, organic apple cider vinegar as it contains vitamins C, E, B1, B2 and B6, minerals and trace elements found in apples. Vinegar is also great topically to control yeast infections on the skin and feet. Mix with equal parts of water in a spray bottle and spray onto affected areas or add a splash to unscented baby-wipes or use as a rinse after a bath. Oral Dose of Apple Cider Vinegar is ½ tsp per 15lbs of weight.
Boswellia Serrata, also known as Sallai Guggal, is a closely related to Frankincense (Boswellia glabra). Boswellia possesses anti-inflammatory action that is just as effective against arthritis as most prescription medication, yet Boswellia does not have any of the side effects. Research conducted in India found that an extract of Boswellia was more beneficial, less toxic, and more potent than the standard drug of choice for rheumatic disorders, Ketoprofen (benzoyl hydrotropic acid). Boswellic acids (BA) are believed to suppress the proliferating tissue found in the inflamed areas and also prevents the breakdown of connective tissue. The mechanism is similar to the action of non-steroidal groups of anti-arthritic drugs with no side effects, gastric irritation and ulcerogenic activity. Many studies conducted since the original study has confirmed that Boswellia Serrata has potent anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic activity. Boswellia was found to improve blood supply to the joints and restore integrity of vessels weakened by spasm. Boswellia Serrata may also be useful for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with no side effects as those seen with traditional drugs of choice. Small Dogs 10 mg daily. Medium Dogs 25 mg daily. Large Dogs 50-100 mg daily.
B vitamins help to maintain the health of the brain, nerves, skin, eyes, hair, liver and mouth. B-complex vitamins are coenzymes involved in energy production, and may even be useful for alleviating anxiety. There are no side effects so you can feel comfortable giving your canine and feline companions this vitamin supplement. For cats and small dogs give ½ of a B25; for medium dogs give one tablet of B25; and for large/giant dogs give one to two tablets of B50. Give once or twice daily. Please note the urine may become a "brighter" yellow while taking B vitamins. Note: Raw meat and brewers yeast are good sources; cooking destroys many B-complex vitamins. The following lists some info on specific B vitamins...
Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine) deficiency can result in brain damage and seizures.
Vitamin B-2 (Riboflavin) deficiency may lead to cataracts in dogs and cats.
Vitamin B-3 (Niacin) is a great help in controlling seizures and behavior problems.
Vitamin B-5 (Pantothenic Acid) deficiency is common with allergies.
Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine) deficiencies can lead to failure to grow, epilepsy, anemia and calcium kidney stones.
Vitamin B-9 (Folic Acid) is necessary for red blood cell formation and protein metabolism.
Vitamin B-12 (Cobalamin) deficiency can lead to anemia. Raw liver is the best source.
Biotin deficiency results in hair and skin disorders in cats. Raw egg whites contain enzymes that deplete biotin. Biotin may help dogs that eat their feces.
Choline deficiencies can lead to cognitive dysfunction and neuropathies.
Vitamin C is beneficial for pets with skin problems as well as arthritis, heart health and urinary tract infections. Supplement the diet with a natural vitamin C complex that includes bioflavonoids. The recommended dose is 5-10 mg per pound twice daily. However, vitamin C can be given to bowel tolerance level during times of acute illness at which point the body excretes the excess vitamin and stools become soft. When vitamin C produces this reaction, decrease the dose until the stool is normal. Vitamin C is best given as the form of Ester C (non-acidic) because it is more efficiently used by cells and connective tissues. Ester C is safe to give to Pets to boost the immune system. Please note: Pets with a history of calcium bladder stones should not take Vitamin C as it acidifies the urine and may promote oxalate formation.
Chamomile can help to soothe your dog or cat during times of stress such as flying, visits to the doctor, etc. Boil 1 cup of water. Pour the boiling water over a tea bag full of chamomile flowers. Steep 10 - 15 minutes. Let cool. Place the mixture in the dog or cat's water dish or soak a treat in the mixture.
CoQ10--Coenzyme Q10, also known as ubiquinone, is essential for energy production at the cellular level. It has been shown to benefit humans with various heart and muscle diseases and can help Pets too. It is also good for gingivitis. Give 1-2 mg per pound of body weight daily, may be divided into two doses.Colloidal silver is a natural, safe, non-toxic antibiotic effective in killing over 650 pathogens including viruses, bacteria, fungus and yeast. Prior to 1934 when penicillin was discovered, colloidal silver was the drug of choice for many diseases but very expensive. Colloidal silver kills the pathogens by destroying the enzyme that supplies these pathogens with oxygen. Colloidal silver can be used as a preventative, like a second immune system to prevent infection, or as a cure to treat infection and disease. Colloidal silver is tasteless. It can be mixed into your pet’s drinking water or given under the tongue. It may even be used topically. Because the silver is in a colloidal form, any excess that is not needed by the body is easily eliminated and does not accumulate for a long time in body tissue. There is no possibility of overdosing or taking too much colloidal silver and no known interaction between colloidal silver and other drugs, herbs or medicines.
Cranberry Extract is high in Vitamin C and prevents bacteria from adhering to the bladder wall. Women who drink a pint of juice a day had 63% reduction in recurrence of urinary tract infections, and it is also excellent for Pets with chronic UTIs. Dosing schedule…1/4-1/2 capsule twice daily for cats & small dogs, 1 capsule twice daily for medium and large dogs and 1 capsule three times daily for giant breed dogs
Vitamin E promotes heart health, slows aging, prevents cataracts, boost the immune system, protects the body against pollutants and cancer as well as heals the skin. May be used topically on dry noses, elbows and feet as well as to help heal scars. Oral Dose is 1-2 mg per pound daily (not to exceed 400 units/day).
NOTE: This is a FAT-SOLUBLE VITAMIN and can be overdosed
1. Prozyme is an ALL NATURAL, plant derived enzyme supplement that increases nutrient absorption for optimum health. Adding Prozyme to every feeding is beneficial for animals of all ages, especially older animals and those experiencing digestive disorders, skin problems, excessive shedding, poor hair coat, joint difficulties, weight problems, allergies, lethargy, flatulence and coprophagia (eating feces). Prozyme is beneficial and safe for dogs, cats, rabbits, horses, birds and other exotics. Dose is 1/4 tsp per cup of food. For more information visit
2. Shake'N'Zyme™ is an all-natural, Cheddar and Romano cheese flavored, vegetarian enzyme formula with a probiotic boost to help ensure optimum digestion, assimilation and utilization of nutrients. This proprietary formula also includes organic dulse, a rich source of minerals, to help spark enzyme activity. In addition, Shake'N'Zyme™ was designed to address allergies inflammatory/irritable bowel conditions, dermatitis and colitis. For more information
3. Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics with EnzyGuard-D from 4Life Digestive Enzymes: Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics provides seven forms of digestive enzymes in a proprietary blend that promotes healthy digestion. Enzymes are protein molecules that are necessary for life and are naturally present in raw foods. However, in today’s society, poor diets don’t provide enough raw foods to get the enzymes needed for healthy digestion. Specific enzymes help to break down specific food components. Four common enzymes are:
Protease – breaks down proteins (found in milk, eggs, meats and beans).Amylase – breaks down carbohydrates and some sugars.Lipase – breaks down fats.
Cellulase – breaks down cellulose, which makes up plant fibers and tissues.Probiotic Blend: Probiotics are "friendly" or "good" bacteria that contribute to the health and balance of theintestinal tract. Millions of "good" bacteria exist in the body, which support healthy immune system function, promote healthy hormone levels and support cells and enzymes to strengthen overall digestive function. EnzyGuard-D is 4Life’s proprietary technology developed to stabilize enzymes and probiotics during manufacturing, storage and activation. This technology allows probiotics to remain stable at room temperature. Visit for more information on this product.
Eyebright is an antioxidant herb that fights free-radical damage, especially in the eyes. The flower of Eyebright, also known as Euphrasia and Ocularia, somewhat resembles a bloodshot eye, which may have been part of what led ancient peoples to value this plant for eye problems. Since the Middle Ages, Eyebright has been a popular herbal eyewash. Today Eyebright is used more frequently for relieving eye problems such as eye strain, pink eye and inflamed, irritated and sore eyes. Eyebright contains bitters, essential oils, several B vitamins, and Vitamins A, C, D, and E. The plant has astringent properties that probably account for its usefulness as a topical treatment for inflammatory states and its ability to reduce mucous drainage. Eyebright's antibiotic and astringent properties tighten membranes and mucus surrounding the eyes, effectively strengthening and improving circulation. Eyebright also contains tannins that are beneficial for reducing inflammation. You may give it orally to your pet or use it as an eyewash.
Glucosamine and Perna Mussel (green-lipped mussel) help stimulate synovial joint fluid synthesis and replenish the essential building blocks necessary to maintain healthy cartilage as well as prevent joint degradation. A necessary supplement for all Pets with arthritis. Note: (Glucosamine also inhibits growth & aggregation of calcium oxalate crystals and may also have benefits for cats with chronic urinary tract disease. Dose is 250-500 mg per 30 pounds of weight twice a day. COMBINATION
Ginger has a long history of medicinal use in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic (Indian) medicine. Modern research confirms its effectiveness in relieving the symptoms of nausea, vomiting, indigestion, flatulence and dizziness. Working mainly in the digestive tract, ginger boosts digestive fluids and neutralizes acids, making it an effective alternative to anti-nausea medication, but without the usual unpleasant side effects. Give a small amount of fresh grated ginger or powdered ginger root capsules an hour prior to travel on an empty stomach.
GINGKO BILOBA...Cognitive Disorder is a common degenerative neurologic disorder of aging dogs, cats, and humans. A number of causes have been suggested and several recommendations have been made for treating this disorder, including the herb gingko biloba. In addition to purportedly helping pets with cognitive disorder, this herb has antioxidant capabilities, decreases platelet clumping, and exhibits anti-inflammatory properties. Gingko has a number of important chemical components including flavones, quercetin, ginkgolides, bioflavonoids, ginkgolic acids, sterols, polysaccharides and procyanidins. In pets, gingko biloba has been recommended for treating cognitive disorder, early hyperadrenocorticism (Cushings), cardiovascular disease, asthma and circulatory disorders. In pets, there is not a specific dose of ginkgo stated in the literature. However, as is true with many herbs, doses are extrapolated from those given to humans. In general, 500 mg of powdered or capsule herb per 25-50 pounds every 8-12 hours or 5-10 drops of tincture per 10 pounds every 8-12 hours. Gingko is considered fairly safe; however, caution should be used in patients receiving anticoagulants, including aspirin and NSAIDs.
Hawthorn (Crataegus oxycantha) therapy was recommended for dogs and cats with cardiac diseases, including cardiomyopathy and valvular heart disease. Researchers have identified many healthful substances in the berries, leaves and flowers. One group of compounds that have been identified is flavonoids. Flavonoids increase blood supply to the heart muscle and decrease blood vessel resistance thereby reducing the heart's workload. The end result is better oxygenation of the heart tissue (and the rest of the body too). Hawthorn has the unique property of both strengthening the heart and stabilizing it against arrhythmias. Hawthorn can also have a calming effect on the nervous system, which can also improve cardiac function. Hawthorn berries are high in B - vitamins and other important nutrients. Finally, the flavonoid content of hawthorn gives it potent antioxidant properties as well.Hawthorn’s action is not immediate and may take 4-6 weeks to see a response. It is not going to cure heart disease. A product that contains a mixture of berries, leaves and flowers is best. If a pet has been diagnosed with heart disease but is not showing symptoms or has early signs of heart failure and is not on medication, you can try a course of Hawthorn. Side effects are rare but could consist of mild stomach upset or skin rash. Safety has not been established in those with severe liver, heart or kidney disease. If a pet is already in moderate to severe heart failure or is on conventional medications, consult with your veterinarian before starting Hawthorn. Cats and small dogs—1/8 human adult dose, Medium dogs—1/4 adult dose, Large dogs—1/2 adult dose, and Giant dogs—whole adult dose.
L-carnitine -- an amino acid that helps to keep the heart strong. It has been prescribed for dogs with dilated cardiomyopathyand heart disorders due to chemotherapeutic treatments. It has also been recommended for cats with hepatic lipidosis(fatty liver disease). Carnitine is needed by the body for the metabolism of fatty acids into energy in the cells. Thus, it helps the body utilize fat for energy while maintaining the lean muscle mass which helps reduce the overall body fat and is often included in "diet" Pet foods. Give 500mg to a small dog or cat, 1,000mg to a medium dog and 2,0000mg to a large dog twice a day.
L-Lysine, amino acid, slows down the replication of herpes virus. The feline herpes virus can take up residence inside a cat and flare up on occasion especially during periods of stress–this is the most common cause for upper respiratory infections in cats and kittens....500 mg twice a day for up to five days whenever there is an outbreak or 250 mg daily for maitenance. ViralysPowder for Cats is an L-Lysine oral supplement in a palatable flavor powder spefically formulated for cats. Viralys is recommended as an aid in the treatment of feline Herpes Virus and its associated respiratory and ocular symptoms. It is also known as rhinotracheitis virus and is very common among cats, especially in environments where there are multiple cats or new cats are constantly interacting. The virus is spread through the air and replicates in the upper respiratory tract. VIRALYS POWDER FOR CATS is AVAILABLE FROM DR. FRY.
MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) is a derivative of DMSO and is found in the cells of our bodies as well as our pet’s bodies. DMSO was used for decades in veterinary medicine for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, but it’s side effects were foul odor and skin irritation. MSM is a stable metabolite of DMSO, and it possesses many of the same benefits at DMSO but without the side effects. MSM provides a source of organic sulfur. Some of sulfur’s functions in the body are to maintain cell membrane flexibility and permeability, which allows for exchange of nutrients into and toxins out of the cell as well as maintenance of connective tissue and formation of collagen. MSM provides raw materials to create new cells and it possesses anti-inflammatory properties. The concentration of MSM can be reduced throughout the normal aging processes and stress. Sulfur deficiencies have been associated with slow wound healing, immune system dysfunction, skin disorders, depression and degenerative joint problems. Most pets will tolerate MSM, but it may cause intestinal upset in some. To supplement your pet’s diet, try adding 250 mg of MSM per 15 pounds of body weight once or twice daily. For arthritis treatment, MSM is best given in combination with glucosamine and is available as SYNOVI MSM from Dr. Fry. Synovi Granules also available for cats!!
Omega 3 Fatty Acids... Fish oil (body oil, not liver oil) and Flax seed oil provide omega-3 fatty acids that can be helpful with heart conditions, arthritis and skin conditions. To date, more than 60 illnesses and health problems have been linked to fatty acid abnormalities. Give 1,000mg fish oil (containing 300mg combined DHA and EPA) per 10 to 20 pounds of body weight, split into two doses per day. Fish oil is better utilized by dogs than flax seed oil. To supplement your pet’s diet: add ¼ teaspoon of organic flaxseed oil for each 10 pounds of body weight to your pet’s food daily (Be sure to also give vitamin E whenever you supplement oils.) GLENHAVEN OIL SUPPLEMENTS AVAILABLE FROM DR. FRY ... these are combination skin supplement products WITH Vitamin E, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Omega-6 Fatty Acids and antioxidants that can reduce your Pet's chronic itching, excessive shedding, and restore dry coats to their previous luster.
SAM-e... (S-Adenosyl-Methionine) is an amino acid derivative normally synthesized in the body. It is a potent multi-purpose supplement used for mood elevation, joint pain relief, and the promotion of healthy liver function. SAM-e should be given with B vitamins. A recent study of 31 dogs and cats with various severe liver problems showed that 45% of these animals had low hepatic (liver) glutathione levels. Glutathione is a potent antioxidant that protects liver cells. S-Adenosylmethionine (SAM-e) is recommended to improve hepatic glutathione levels to help maintain and protect liver function. Dose: Cats and small dogs–100 mg daily, Medium-sized dogs 250 mg daily and Large Dogs 450 mg daily.
Taurine -- another amino acid that is good for the heart. Taurine deficiency may be responsible for heart disease in dogs as well as cats. For years, it has been recognized that cats fed insufficient amounts of taurine can develop a heart disease called dilated cardiomyopathy. In this disease, the heart enlarges and the muscle becomes very thin. Cats can not make the amino acid taurine, so it must be present at adequate levels in the diet. Cat foods are now supplemented with taurine. Give 500mg to a cat or small dog, 1,000mg to a medium dog and 1,500mg to a large dog. Best given on an empty stomach. ALSO HAS BEEN REPORTED TO HELP SEIZURES IN DOGS.
Tinkle Tonic is an herbal remedy for urinary tract problems. Designed to disinfect, soothe, and protect the urinary tract without irritating the kidneys. Especially useful for cats! An antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, soothing, and tonifying combination of Couchgrass, Echinacea (purpurea), Marshmallow, Dandelion, and Horsetail. For information visit
Valerian Root...Some researchers have compared Valerian Root to benzodiazepines such as Valium.. However, Valerian is a much milder and safer sedative. Unlike Valium, Valerian is not addictive or does not promote dependency. Valerian is a smooth muscle and skeletal relaxant, as well as a premier sedative that aids in anxiety, stress and insomnia. Cats and small dogs—1/8 human adult dose, Medium dogs—1/4 adult dose, Large dogs—1/2 adult dose, and Giant dogs—whole adult dose.
Yucca contains saponins, which are precursors of cortisone that help block release of toxins in the intestines that cause break down of cartilage. Saponins are produced naturally in the body by the adrenal glands. Yucca is also reported to speed up bowel elimination, reduce fecal and urine odor, and improve digestion in dogs and cats. It also has a strong anti-inflammatory effect when taken over a period of time. Small Dogs 100 mg, Medium Dogs 200 mg and Large Dogs 300 mg.
Follow this Formula for Dosing Your Pet with Human Herbal Products...
1. Weigh Your Pet
2. Take Your Pet’s Weight and DIVIDE by 150 pounds (this is the weight of an average human adult)
This Number is the PERCENT (%) of the Human Adult Dose your Pet should be given.
3. Calculate the TOTAL Human Adult Dose from the label.
For example, if the Human Adult Dose is 2 (two) capsules THREE times a day, the total dose is 6 capsules.
4. Do the Math...Your Dog Weighs 60 pounds... 60 / 150 = 0.40 or 40 % of the human adult dose
Therefore, 40% of 6 capsules is a total of 2.4 capsules per day for your 60 pound dog.
Transfer factor: Long-awaited next step in immunotherapy:
More About Transfer Factor:
Parvovirus in a Puppy Cured with Transfer Factor by Dr. Fry"A four-month old Rottweiler puppy came to see me Wednesday night after several episodes of vomiting and diarrhea. She was very weak, dehydrated and unable to hold any food down. I diagnosed her with Parvovirus, a deadly intestinal infection in dogs that also attacks their white blood cells wiping out their immune system. Immediately I started her on IV fluids and conventional treatment with antibiotics and anti-emetics to control the secondary infection and vomiting. I knew the prognosis wasn’t good, but decided to try her on Transfer Factor. I dissolved the human capsules in saline and injected her with about 1200 mg a day. Most puppies succumb to the virus or spend 7-10 days in the hospital trying to recover. To my amazement, her white blood cell counts didn’t plummet to zero but steadily rose and she was able to fight off the infection. Friday night she was eating and went home happy and healthy Saturday morning. Transfer Factor was a miracle-cure for this puppy!"
Two More Amazing Testimonials Using Transfer Factor...
"Dani was nearly 17 years old last summer when she suddenly became very lethargic and all but stopped eating. The entire month of July 2002 she steadily lost weight, became more and more lethargic, teetered closer and closure to Kidney failure, and became borderline hyperthyroid. She dropped from a nice healthy 10 pounds to an alarming 6.2 pounds...My regular vet said that she was giving up and was simply worn out and began preparing me for the worst. Faithfully since then, each morning I have given her 1/4 scoop of regular Feline Transfer Factor mixed with whatever food she's decided that's her favorite of the day/week. Her kidney evaluation has stayed [stable], and her thyroid is back to normal. Slowly but surely, she steadily gained weight ever since last August when she starting using TF. However, this past vet visit, she has gained a whopping six ounces in one month!!! She now weighs in at 8 lbs., 15.5 oz. I know what TF has done for Dani. She's living proof that the stuff works and I honestly believe that Transfer Factor has highly contributed, if not, saved her life. TF has added another year of *good* quality life. Her recovery from Death's Door is an absolute miracle in our eyes." Susie B.
"I started giving Transfer Factor Plus Feline Formula to Spots, our blind, FIV+ cat on October 28th, 2001. She has had chronic upper respiratory congestion with very raspy breathing for several months which has led to a severe decrease in her appetite and she's lost about 1/4 of her body weight. She would normally eat an entire 5.5oz can of cat food at a time and lately, she hardly licks at it. She's tired and listless all the time. Within a week of starting TF, her breathing and appetite began to improve. She's grooming more and her coat is looking glossy again. Her raspy breathing hasn't cleared up entirely, but she's in much better shape now than she was just two weeks ago. Spots was pretty much back to normal after a month of the TF. She has gained back almost all the weight she lost. I think that if I hadn't given TF Plus to her, her condition would have continued to deteriorate. Spots is doing swimmingly just 2 months after starting TF. She sleeps without snoring and most of the time, her breathing is normal and she has a fantastic appetite. She is doing very well now and I attribute her recovery to the Transfer Factor she's been taking. I will continue to give it to her, as it obviously is helping her immune system to keep her healthy." Eileen Poole
The science of Homeopathy is based on the principle of "like cures like." In other words, if a healthy person (or animal) takes a substance which causes specific symptoms when taken in larger quantities, that same substance can be used to treat a sick person (or pet) with the same symptoms when used in a diluted amount. Therefore, rather than focusing in on the disease itself, homeopathy is centered around encouraging the body to heal itself naturally. The strength of a remedy is denoted by a number and a letter: the higher the number, the higher the strength. A common example would be 30X. The letter 'X' in this example is the method of dilution and means 1 part remedy is mixed with 9 parts dilutant which equals a 1:10 ratio. The number (in front of the letter) indicates the number of times a product is further diluted and successed or vigorously pounded. ‘C’ is a ratio of 1:100 and ‘M’ is a ratio of 1:1000. Homeopathy can be used to treat pets as well as people and has been used by many with great success. Below are a few examples of some common homeopathic remedies...
Apis (honey bee): Used for swelling, heat stroke, frost bite, rashes and inflammation of the skin from insect bites which worsen with heat. Additionally, this remedy can prevent minor allergic reactions to the insect bites.
Arnica(leopard's bane): After traumatic injuries, this remedy treats bruises, and sprained joints. This remedy also treats arthritis, sore muscles and fractures as well as eye injuries. Used for both physical and emotional trauma.
Hepar Sulph: Used for splinter-like pains, excess sweating, foul smelling discharges, and yellow-green pus. This remedy treats boils, abscesses, breast infections, croup, coughs, earaches, sinus infection, sore throat, inflammation of eyelids, and toothaches. Symptoms are worse in cold air or when touching affected parts.
Nux Vomica (poison nut): Used for common cold, constipation, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, hemorrhoids, hangovers, gastroenteritis, headaches, larynx pain, and runny nose. Those who require this remedy may be sullen or irritable. Symptoms are often better with warmth, sleep, and in the evening, and worse in cold weather.
Silicea: Used for poor stamina, weakness, inflammation of glands, chronic discharges, uncharacteristic odor from feet, boils and abcesses, earaches, splinters, and inflamed eyelids. Symptoms are worse in cold air and better with warmth. Those who require this remedy may exhibit mental exhaustion, nervousness, and excitability.
TRAUMEEL A versatile pain reliever, Traumeel provides temporary relief of minor aches and pains associated with injuries, sprains, muscle aches and bruises, as well as minor arthritis pain and inflammation. For over 50 years physicians have been recommending Traumeel as a safe alternative to anti-inflammatory drugs. Backed by over two-dozen scientific and clinical studies, Traumeel is the number one selling combination homeopathic product worldwide. GREAT FOR PETS!
Keys to finding a good quality food are:
Chicken, Lamb, Fish, Venison, Beef as the #1 ingredient (meal is acceptable)
Avoid the generic term of MEAT
Made with all-natural or Human-Quality Ingredients
Life-Stage Appropriate (Large Breed Puppy, Adult, Senior, etc)
Whole grains (avoid mill runs, hulls, middlings)
NO by-products or Artificial Colors or Dyes
Natural preservatives such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E, rosemary, and mixed tocopherols
Avoid animal digest and "animal" fat
Fruits and vegetables on the ingredient label is a PLUS!
-->You can always supplement your Pet's Diet with fresh fruit and veggies such as apples, broccoli, canteloupe, carrots, cauliflower, green beans, pumpkin and watermelon.
-->Do NOT Give Grapes, Raisins, Onions, Macadamia Nuts!
WARNING: Supplementing a Poor Quality Diet will not dramatically improve your Pet’s Health. The first key to Great Health is Great Nutrition! Many chronic illnesses can be improved with a good quality, all-natural diet. Diet is the first step in treating any disease. Please read the Nutrition Page for more information on what food labels really mean. Keys to finding a good quality food are at the bottom of this page as well.
Acidophilus Aids Digestion... Lactobacillus acidophilus, digestion-friendly bacteria that speed the breakdown of food in the intestines to nix gas. Also, beneficial to replace the good bacteria in the gut after antibiotic treatment. Give 1 teaspoon of plain yogurt for every 10 pounds twice a day. ALSO IN DANCING PAWS SHAKE N ZYME AVAILABLE FROM DR. FRY.
Aloe Vera is an excellent preparation to use topically for skin conditions such as minor abrasions, wounds, allergic irritations, burns, and many types of dermatitis. Aloe Vera will decrease inflammation as well as speed healing. It is very soothing to the skin. Aloe Vera can also help conditions of the digestive system, Vomiting and diarrhea also often respond to oral administration of Aloe Vera Gel combined with bland diets. The easiest way to use aloe is to grow your own plant. However, if you do buy a commercial preparation it is important to note that benzoic acid is a known toxin to cats and should be avoided.
Apple Cider Vinegar helps Pets with arthritic conditions, improves digestion, increases resistance to diease and gives a beautiful shine to their coats! Use only raw, unpasterized, unheated, organic apple cider vinegar as it contains vitamins C, E, B1, B2 and B6, minerals and trace elements found in apples. Vinegar is also great topically to control yeast infections on the skin and feet. Mix with equal parts of water in a spray bottle and spray onto affected areas or add a splash to unscented baby-wipes or use as a rinse after a bath. Oral Dose of Apple Cider Vinegar is ½ tsp per 15lbs of weight.
Azodyl…Supoorts Kidney Function by providing NATURAL interal Dialysis and slows down toxic buildup in the blood and helps prevent further kidney damage. This naturally-occurring beneficial bacteria reduces azotemia in dogs and cats by metabolizing and flushing out toxins through the bowel. | |
The product of choice at the first signs of azotemia in cases of acute or chronic kidney disease. | |
B vitamins help to maintain the health of the brain, nerves, skin, eyes, hair, liver and mouth. B-complex vitamins are coenzymes involved in energy production, and may even be useful for alleviating anxiety. There are no side effects so you can feel comfortable giving your canine and feline companions this vitamin supplement. For cats and small dogs give ½ of a B25; for medium dogs give one tablet of B25; and for large/giant dogs give one to two tablets of B50. Give once or twice daily. Please note the urine may become a "brighter" yellow while taking B vitamins. Note: Raw meat and brewers yeast are good sources; cooking destroys many B-complex vitamins. The following lists some info on specific B vitamins...
Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine) deficiency can result in brain damage and seizures.
Vitamin B-2 (Riboflavin) deficiency may lead to cataracts in dogs and cats.
Vitamin B-3 (Niacin) is a great help in controlling seizures and behavior problems.
Vitamin B-5 (Pantothenic Acid) deficiency is common with allergies.
Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine) deficiencies can lead to failure to grow, epilepsy, anemia and calcium kidney stones.
Vitamin B-9 (Folic Acid) is necessary for red blood cell formation and protein metabolism.
Vitamin B-12 (Cobalamin) deficiency can lead to anemia. Raw liver is the best source.
Biotin deficiency results in hair and skin disorders in cats. Raw egg whites contain enzymes that deplete biotin. Biotin may help dogs that eat their feces.
Choline deficiencies can lead to cognitive dysfunction and neuropathies.
Vitamin C is beneficial for pets with skin problems as well as arthritis, heart health and urinary tract infections. Supplement the diet with a natural vitamin C complex that includes bioflavonoids. The recommended dose is 5-10 mg per pound twice daily. However, vitamin C can be given to bowel tolerance level during times of acute illness at which point the body excretes the excess vitamin and stools become soft. When vitamin C produces this reaction, decrease the dose until the stool is normal. Vitamin C is best given as the form of Ester C (non-acidic) because it is more efficiently used by cells and connective tissues. Ester C is safe to give to Pets to boost the immune system. Please note: Pets with a history of calcium bladder stones should not take Vitamin C as it acidifies the urine and may promote oxalate formation.
Chamomile can help to soothe your dog or cat during times of stress such as flying, visits to the doctor, etc. Boil 1 cup of water. Pour the boiling water over a tea bag full of chamomile flowers. Steep 10 - 15 minutes. Let cool. Place the mixture in the dog or cat's water dish or soak a treat in the mixture.
CoQ10--Coenzyme Q10, also known as ubiquinone, is essential for energy production at the cellular level. It has been shown to benefit humans with various heart and muscle diseases and can help Pets too. It is also good for gingivitis. Give 1-2 mg per pound of body weight daily, may be divided into two doses.Colloidal silver is a natural, safe, non-toxic antibiotic effective in killing over 650 pathogens including viruses, bacteria, fungus and yeast. Prior to 1934 when penicillin was discovered, colloidal silver was the drug of choice for many diseases but very expensive. Colloidal silver kills the pathogens by destroying the enzyme that supplies these pathogens with oxygen. Colloidal silver can be used as a preventative, like a second immune system to prevent infection, or as a cure to treat infection and disease. Colloidal silver is tasteless. It can be mixed into your pet’s drinking water or given under the tongue. It may even be used topically. Because the silver is in a colloidal form, any excess that is not needed by the body is easily eliminated and does not accumulate for a long time in body tissue. There is no possibility of overdosing or taking too much colloidal silver and no known interaction between colloidal silver and other drugs, herbs or medicines.
Cranberry Extract is high in Vitamin C and prevents bacteria from adhering to the bladder wall. Women who drink a pint of juice a day had 63% reduction in recurrence of urinary tract infections, and it is also excellent for Pets with chronic UTIs. Dosing schedule…1/4-1/2 capsule twice daily for cats & small dogs, 1 capsule twice daily for medium and large dogs and 1 capsule three times daily for giant breed dogs
Vitamin E promotes heart health, slows aging, prevents cataracts, boost the immune system, protects the body against pollutants and cancer as well as heals the skin. May be used topically on dry noses, elbows and feet as well as to help heal scars. Oral Dose is 1-2 mg per pound daily (not to exceed 400 units/day).
NOTE: This is a FAT-SOLUBLE VITAMIN and can be overdosed
1. Prozyme is an ALL NATURAL, plant derived enzyme supplement that increases nutrient absorption for optimum health. Adding Prozyme to every feeding is beneficial for animals of all ages, especially older animals and those experiencing digestive disorders, skin problems, excessive shedding, poor hair coat, joint difficulties, weight problems, allergies, lethargy, flatulence and coprophagia (eating feces). Prozyme is beneficial and safe for dogs, cats, rabbits, horses, birds and other exotics. Dose is 1/4 tsp per cup of food. For more information visit
2. Shake'N'Zyme™ is an all-natural, Cheddar and Romano cheese flavored, vegetarian enzyme formula with a probiotic boost to help ensure optimum digestion, assimilation and utilization of nutrients. This proprietary formula also includes organic dulse, a rich source of minerals, to help spark enzyme activity. In addition, Shake'N'Zyme™ was designed to address allergies inflammatory/irritable bowel conditions, dermatitis and colitis. For more information
3. Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics with EnzyGuard-D from 4Life Digestive Enzymes: Digestive Enzymes & Probiotics provides seven forms of digestive enzymes in a proprietary blend that promotes healthy digestion. Enzymes are protein molecules that are necessary for life and are naturally present in raw foods. However, in today’s society, poor diets don’t provide enough raw foods to get the enzymes needed for healthy digestion. Specific enzymes help to break down specific food components. Four common enzymes are:
Protease – breaks down proteins (found in milk, eggs, meats and beans).Amylase – breaks down carbohydrates and some sugars.Lipase – breaks down fats.
Cellulase – breaks down cellulose, which makes up plant fibers and tissues.Probiotic Blend: Probiotics are "friendly" or "good" bacteria that contribute to the health and balance of theintestinal tract. Millions of "good" bacteria exist in the body, which support healthy immune system function, promote healthy hormone levels and support cells and enzymes to strengthen overall digestive function. EnzyGuard-D is 4Life’s proprietary technology developed to stabilize enzymes and probiotics during manufacturing, storage and activation. This technology allows probiotics to remain stable at room temperature. Visit for more information on this product.
Eyebright is an antioxidant herb that fights free-radical damage, especially in the eyes. The flower of Eyebright, also known as Euphrasia and Ocularia, somewhat resembles a bloodshot eye, which may have been part of what led ancient peoples to value this plant for eye problems. Since the Middle Ages, Eyebright has been a popular herbal eyewash. Today Eyebright is used more frequently for relieving eye problems such as eye strain, pink eye and inflamed, irritated and sore eyes. Eyebright contains bitters, essential oils, several B vitamins, and Vitamins A, C, D, and E. The plant has astringent properties that probably account for its usefulness as a topical treatment for inflammatory states and its ability to reduce mucous drainage. Eyebright's antibiotic and astringent properties tighten membranes and mucus surrounding the eyes, effectively strengthening and improving circulation. Eyebright also contains tannins that are beneficial for reducing inflammation. You may give it orally to your pet or use it as an eyewash.
Glucosamine and Perna Mussel (green-lipped mussel) help stimulate synovial joint fluid synthesis and replenish the essential building blocks necessary to maintain healthy cartilage as well as prevent joint degradation. A necessary supplement for all Pets with arthritis. Note: (Glucosamine also inhibits growth & aggregation of calcium oxalate crystals and may also have benefits for cats with chronic urinary tract disease. Dose is 250-500 mg per 30 pounds of weight twice a day. COMBINATION
Ginger has a long history of medicinal use in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic (Indian) medicine. Modern research confirms its effectiveness in relieving the symptoms of nausea, vomiting, indigestion, flatulence and dizziness. Working mainly in the digestive tract, ginger boosts digestive fluids and neutralizes acids, making it an effective alternative to anti-nausea medication, but without the usual unpleasant side effects. Give a small amount of fresh grated ginger or powdered ginger root capsules an hour prior to travel on an empty stomach.
GINGKO BILOBA...Cognitive Disorder is a common degenerative neurologic disorder of aging dogs, cats, and humans. A number of causes have been suggested and several recommendations have been made for treating this disorder, including the herb gingko biloba. In addition to purportedly helping pets with cognitive disorder, this herb has antioxidant capabilities, decreases platelet clumping, and exhibits anti-inflammatory properties. Gingko has a number of important chemical components including flavones, quercetin, ginkgolides, bioflavonoids, ginkgolic acids, sterols, polysaccharides and procyanidins. In pets, gingko biloba has been recommended for treating cognitive disorder, early hyperadrenocorticism (Cushings), cardiovascular disease, asthma and circulatory disorders. In pets, there is not a specific dose of ginkgo stated in the literature. However, as is true with many herbs, doses are extrapolated from those given to humans. In general, 500 mg of powdered or capsule herb per 25-50 pounds every 8-12 hours or 5-10 drops of tincture per 10 pounds every 8-12 hours. Gingko is considered fairly safe; however, caution should be used in patients receiving anticoagulants, including aspirin and NSAIDs.
Hawthorn (Crataegus oxycantha) therapy was recommended for dogs and cats with cardiac diseases, including cardiomyopathy and valvular heart disease. Researchers have identified many healthful substances in the berries, leaves and flowers. One group of compounds that have been identified is flavonoids. Flavonoids increase blood supply to the heart muscle and decrease blood vessel resistance thereby reducing the heart's workload. The end result is better oxygenation of the heart tissue (and the rest of the body too). Hawthorn has the unique property of both strengthening the heart and stabilizing it against arrhythmias. Hawthorn can also have a calming effect on the nervous system, which can also improve cardiac function. Hawthorn berries are high in B - vitamins and other important nutrients. Finally, the flavonoid content of hawthorn gives it potent antioxidant properties as well.Hawthorn’s action is not immediate and may take 4-6 weeks to see a response. It is not going to cure heart disease. A product that contains a mixture of berries, leaves and flowers is best. If a pet has been diagnosed with heart disease but is not showing symptoms or has early signs of heart failure and is not on medication, you can try a course of Hawthorn. Side effects are rare but could consist of mild stomach upset or skin rash. Safety has not been established in those with severe liver, heart or kidney disease. If a pet is already in moderate to severe heart failure or is on conventional medications, consult with your veterinarian before starting Hawthorn. Cats and small dogs—1/8 human adult dose, Medium dogs—1/4 adult dose, Large dogs—1/2 adult dose, and Giant dogs—whole adult dose.
L-carnitine -- an amino acid that helps to keep the heart strong. It has been prescribed for dogs with dilated cardiomyopathyand heart disorders due to chemotherapeutic treatments. It has also been recommended for cats with hepatic lipidosis(fatty liver disease). Carnitine is needed by the body for the metabolism of fatty acids into energy in the cells. Thus, it helps the body utilize fat for energy while maintaining the lean muscle mass which helps reduce the overall body fat and is often included in "diet" Pet foods. Give 500mg to a small dog or cat, 1,000mg to a medium dog and 2,0000mg to a large dog twice a day.
L-Lysine, amino acid, slows down the replication of herpes virus. The feline herpes virus can take up residence inside a cat and flare up on occasion especially during periods of stress–this is the most common cause for upper respiratory infections in cats and kittens....500 mg twice a day for up to five days whenever there is an outbreak or 250 mg daily for maitenance. ViralysPowder for Cats is an L-Lysine oral supplement in a palatable flavor powder spefically formulated for cats. Viralys is recommended as an aid in the treatment of feline Herpes Virus and its associated respiratory and ocular symptoms. It is also known as rhinotracheitis virus and is very common among cats, especially in environments where there are multiple cats or new cats are constantly interacting. The virus is spread through the air and replicates in the upper respiratory tract. VIRALYS POWDER FOR CATS is AVAILABLE FROM DR. FRY.
MicrolactinÔ, a patented special milk protein concentrate (SMPC) from the milk of hyperimmunized cows. It inhibits inflammation without irritating the gastro-intestinal tract. DuralactinÔ is a potent inhibitor of neutrophil adherence, migration and participation in the immune response to musculoskeletal conditions including arthritis. Recommended for the long-term management of chronic inflammatory conditions. Duralactin with L-Lysine is available from Dr. Fry to help treat stomatitis, IBD and arthritis in cats.
MILK THISTLE (Silybum marianum) is used for protecting the liver from toxins via its antioxidant properties as well as for building liver health by regenerating healthy cells and repair old damage. It also helps combat inflammation of the bile ducts and fatty infiltration of the liver. Dose: Cats and small dogs—1/8 human adult dose or 50-100 mg once daily, Medium dogs—1/4 adult dose or 100 mg twice daily, Large dogs—1/2 adult dose or 200 mg twice daily, and Giant dogs—whole adult dose or 300 mg twice daily. Milk Thistle combined with SAM-e and other key ingredients in S-Adenosyl is an excellent product for liver support Adenosyl is available from Dr. Fry for cats & dogs.MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) is a derivative of DMSO and is found in the cells of our bodies as well as our pet’s bodies. DMSO was used for decades in veterinary medicine for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, but it’s side effects were foul odor and skin irritation. MSM is a stable metabolite of DMSO, and it possesses many of the same benefits at DMSO but without the side effects. MSM provides a source of organic sulfur. Some of sulfur’s functions in the body are to maintain cell membrane flexibility and permeability, which allows for exchange of nutrients into and toxins out of the cell as well as maintenance of connective tissue and formation of collagen. MSM provides raw materials to create new cells and it possesses anti-inflammatory properties. The concentration of MSM can be reduced throughout the normal aging processes and stress. Sulfur deficiencies have been associated with slow wound healing, immune system dysfunction, skin disorders, depression and degenerative joint problems. Most pets will tolerate MSM, but it may cause intestinal upset in some. To supplement your pet’s diet, try adding 250 mg of MSM per 15 pounds of body weight once or twice daily. For arthritis treatment, MSM is best given in combination with glucosamine and is available as SYNOVI MSM from Dr. Fry. Synovi Granules also available for cats!!
Omega 3 Fatty Acids... Fish oil (body oil, not liver oil) and Flax seed oil provide omega-3 fatty acids that can be helpful with heart conditions, arthritis and skin conditions. To date, more than 60 illnesses and health problems have been linked to fatty acid abnormalities. Give 1,000mg fish oil (containing 300mg combined DHA and EPA) per 10 to 20 pounds of body weight, split into two doses per day. Fish oil is better utilized by dogs than flax seed oil. To supplement your pet’s diet: add ¼ teaspoon of organic flaxseed oil for each 10 pounds of body weight to your pet’s food daily (Be sure to also give vitamin E whenever you supplement oils.) GLENHAVEN OIL SUPPLEMENTS AVAILABLE FROM DR. FRY ... these are combination skin supplement products WITH Vitamin E, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Omega-6 Fatty Acids and antioxidants that can reduce your Pet's chronic itching, excessive shedding, and restore dry coats to their previous luster.
PROANTHOZONE® DERM --NOW AVAILABLE FROM DR. FRY -- Skin, coat and allergy support formula for dogs. Main ingredients: Bioflavanol, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Zinc, Alpha-Lipoic Acid, Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids, Spirulina, and vegetarian flavoring. The basis of the formula is bioflavanol from grape seed extract. Polyphenolic antioxidants, such as bioflavanol, have been shown to help prevent mast cell degranulation and inhibit enzymes that promote histamine release, inflammation, and allergic reactions. Additional support comes from the antioxidant vitamins A and E and the antioxidant mineral zinc. Alpha-lipoic acid is a potent fat- and water-soluble antioxidant that is able to regenerate other antioxidants, such as vitamin E. Spirulina, a form of blue-green algae rich in beta carotene and vitamin E, enhances protective antibodies without enhancing those associated with allergies (IgE antibodies). Spirulina also has a direct antihistamine effect. Omega fatty acids are an important addition to the formula for controlling inflammation and supporting healthy cell membranes.
ProQuiet® __ NEW** is meant to calm the nerves and relax the behavior rather than sedate the animal. The formula is based on the essential amino acid L-tryptophan, which is also a natural relaxant. Oral supplementation of L-tryptophan directly increases circulating levels of both vitamin B3 and the inhibitory neurotransmitter serotonin. The addition of hops and chamomile enhances the quieting effect as both are known to have calming properties. Ginger root, a recognized carminative, soothes upset stomachs making it helpful for motion sickness. It may also counteract the flight or fight influences of adrenal secretions in times of stress. Each ingredient plays a role in stabilizing the nervous system.Veterinarians can recommend ProQuiet® for use in the following situations:
RESCUE REMEDY...This formula is completely natural, entirely safe, has no side effects, is not habit forming, and will not interfere with any other medical treatment. All creatures (including humans) can benefit from its calming effects on both the emotional and physical level. Dose is 2-4 drops as needed, up to every 15 minutes. May also be added to pet’s daily drinking water, sprayed in the room or applied topically. There are 38 other flower essences that may be used for specific problems in Pets as well. For more information visit AVAILABLE FROM DR. FRY.- Travel and motion sickness
- Holiday company
- Grooming
- Thunderstorms
- Mild separation anxiety
- Territorial aggression/dominance
- Competition associated anxiety
- Fireworks
- Behavior modification/training (for enhanced focus)
SAM-e... (S-Adenosyl-Methionine) is an amino acid derivative normally synthesized in the body. It is a potent multi-purpose supplement used for mood elevation, joint pain relief, and the promotion of healthy liver function. SAM-e should be given with B vitamins. A recent study of 31 dogs and cats with various severe liver problems showed that 45% of these animals had low hepatic (liver) glutathione levels. Glutathione is a potent antioxidant that protects liver cells. S-Adenosylmethionine (SAM-e) is recommended to improve hepatic glutathione levels to help maintain and protect liver function. Dose: Cats and small dogs–100 mg daily, Medium-sized dogs 250 mg daily and Large Dogs 450 mg daily.
Taurine -- another amino acid that is good for the heart. Taurine deficiency may be responsible for heart disease in dogs as well as cats. For years, it has been recognized that cats fed insufficient amounts of taurine can develop a heart disease called dilated cardiomyopathy. In this disease, the heart enlarges and the muscle becomes very thin. Cats can not make the amino acid taurine, so it must be present at adequate levels in the diet. Cat foods are now supplemented with taurine. Give 500mg to a cat or small dog, 1,000mg to a medium dog and 1,500mg to a large dog. Best given on an empty stomach. ALSO HAS BEEN REPORTED TO HELP SEIZURES IN DOGS.
Tinkle Tonic is an herbal remedy for urinary tract problems. Designed to disinfect, soothe, and protect the urinary tract without irritating the kidneys. Especially useful for cats! An antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, soothing, and tonifying combination of Couchgrass, Echinacea (purpurea), Marshmallow, Dandelion, and Horsetail. For information visit
Valerian Root...Some researchers have compared Valerian Root to benzodiazepines such as Valium.. However, Valerian is a much milder and safer sedative. Unlike Valium, Valerian is not addictive or does not promote dependency. Valerian is a smooth muscle and skeletal relaxant, as well as a premier sedative that aids in anxiety, stress and insomnia. Cats and small dogs—1/8 human adult dose, Medium dogs—1/4 adult dose, Large dogs—1/2 adult dose, and Giant dogs—whole adult dose.
Yucca contains saponins, which are precursors of cortisone that help block release of toxins in the intestines that cause break down of cartilage. Saponins are produced naturally in the body by the adrenal glands. Yucca is also reported to speed up bowel elimination, reduce fecal and urine odor, and improve digestion in dogs and cats. It also has a strong anti-inflammatory effect when taken over a period of time. Small Dogs 100 mg, Medium Dogs 200 mg and Large Dogs 300 mg.
Follow this Formula for Dosing Your Pet with Human Herbal Products...
1. Weigh Your Pet
2. Take Your Pet’s Weight and DIVIDE by 150 pounds (this is the weight of an average human adult)
This Number is the PERCENT (%) of the Human Adult Dose your Pet should be given.
3. Calculate the TOTAL Human Adult Dose from the label.
For example, if the Human Adult Dose is 2 (two) capsules THREE times a day, the total dose is 6 capsules.
4. Do the Math...Your Dog Weighs 60 pounds... 60 / 150 = 0.40 or 40 % of the human adult dose
Therefore, 40% of 6 capsules is a total of 2.4 capsules per day for your 60 pound dog.
For more information on How to Give Herbs to Pets visit
Transfer Factor .... All-in-One Nutritional Supplement for Pets...
Just as we are affected every day by the environment, stress and diet, animals also must cope with the ever-increasing demands of life. Providing quality care for our furry friends is necessary for them to enjoy a long and healthy life. Therefore, 4Life® has created an outstanding line of supplements that help promote superior animal health. Experts agree that 4Life’s Transfer Factor (TF) formulas provide your single best option for improving their nutritional status. Improved joint health and flexibility, more energy, healthier coats, stronger bones and improved immune strength—give your Pet everything it deserves with Transfer Factor Animal Health products. For more info call 1-866-315-4004 to listen to a pre-recorded message about TF for Pets, or talk to Dr. Fry about these amazing supplements.Transfer factor: Long-awaited next step in immunotherapy:
More About Transfer Factor:
Parvovirus in a Puppy Cured with Transfer Factor by Dr. Fry"A four-month old Rottweiler puppy came to see me Wednesday night after several episodes of vomiting and diarrhea. She was very weak, dehydrated and unable to hold any food down. I diagnosed her with Parvovirus, a deadly intestinal infection in dogs that also attacks their white blood cells wiping out their immune system. Immediately I started her on IV fluids and conventional treatment with antibiotics and anti-emetics to control the secondary infection and vomiting. I knew the prognosis wasn’t good, but decided to try her on Transfer Factor. I dissolved the human capsules in saline and injected her with about 1200 mg a day. Most puppies succumb to the virus or spend 7-10 days in the hospital trying to recover. To my amazement, her white blood cell counts didn’t plummet to zero but steadily rose and she was able to fight off the infection. Friday night she was eating and went home happy and healthy Saturday morning. Transfer Factor was a miracle-cure for this puppy!"
Two More Amazing Testimonials Using Transfer Factor...
"Dani was nearly 17 years old last summer when she suddenly became very lethargic and all but stopped eating. The entire month of July 2002 she steadily lost weight, became more and more lethargic, teetered closer and closure to Kidney failure, and became borderline hyperthyroid. She dropped from a nice healthy 10 pounds to an alarming 6.2 pounds...My regular vet said that she was giving up and was simply worn out and began preparing me for the worst. Faithfully since then, each morning I have given her 1/4 scoop of regular Feline Transfer Factor mixed with whatever food she's decided that's her favorite of the day/week. Her kidney evaluation has stayed [stable], and her thyroid is back to normal. Slowly but surely, she steadily gained weight ever since last August when she starting using TF. However, this past vet visit, she has gained a whopping six ounces in one month!!! She now weighs in at 8 lbs., 15.5 oz. I know what TF has done for Dani. She's living proof that the stuff works and I honestly believe that Transfer Factor has highly contributed, if not, saved her life. TF has added another year of *good* quality life. Her recovery from Death's Door is an absolute miracle in our eyes." Susie B.
"I started giving Transfer Factor Plus Feline Formula to Spots, our blind, FIV+ cat on October 28th, 2001. She has had chronic upper respiratory congestion with very raspy breathing for several months which has led to a severe decrease in her appetite and she's lost about 1/4 of her body weight. She would normally eat an entire 5.5oz can of cat food at a time and lately, she hardly licks at it. She's tired and listless all the time. Within a week of starting TF, her breathing and appetite began to improve. She's grooming more and her coat is looking glossy again. Her raspy breathing hasn't cleared up entirely, but she's in much better shape now than she was just two weeks ago. Spots was pretty much back to normal after a month of the TF. She has gained back almost all the weight she lost. I think that if I hadn't given TF Plus to her, her condition would have continued to deteriorate. Spots is doing swimmingly just 2 months after starting TF. She sleeps without snoring and most of the time, her breathing is normal and she has a fantastic appetite. She is doing very well now and I attribute her recovery to the Transfer Factor she's been taking. I will continue to give it to her, as it obviously is helping her immune system to keep her healthy." Eileen Poole
The science of Homeopathy is based on the principle of "like cures like." In other words, if a healthy person (or animal) takes a substance which causes specific symptoms when taken in larger quantities, that same substance can be used to treat a sick person (or pet) with the same symptoms when used in a diluted amount. Therefore, rather than focusing in on the disease itself, homeopathy is centered around encouraging the body to heal itself naturally. The strength of a remedy is denoted by a number and a letter: the higher the number, the higher the strength. A common example would be 30X. The letter 'X' in this example is the method of dilution and means 1 part remedy is mixed with 9 parts dilutant which equals a 1:10 ratio. The number (in front of the letter) indicates the number of times a product is further diluted and successed or vigorously pounded. ‘C’ is a ratio of 1:100 and ‘M’ is a ratio of 1:1000. Homeopathy can be used to treat pets as well as people and has been used by many with great success. Below are a few examples of some common homeopathic remedies...
Apis (honey bee): Used for swelling, heat stroke, frost bite, rashes and inflammation of the skin from insect bites which worsen with heat. Additionally, this remedy can prevent minor allergic reactions to the insect bites.
Arnica(leopard's bane): After traumatic injuries, this remedy treats bruises, and sprained joints. This remedy also treats arthritis, sore muscles and fractures as well as eye injuries. Used for both physical and emotional trauma.
Hepar Sulph: Used for splinter-like pains, excess sweating, foul smelling discharges, and yellow-green pus. This remedy treats boils, abscesses, breast infections, croup, coughs, earaches, sinus infection, sore throat, inflammation of eyelids, and toothaches. Symptoms are worse in cold air or when touching affected parts.
Nux Vomica (poison nut): Used for common cold, constipation, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, hemorrhoids, hangovers, gastroenteritis, headaches, larynx pain, and runny nose. Those who require this remedy may be sullen or irritable. Symptoms are often better with warmth, sleep, and in the evening, and worse in cold weather.
Silicea: Used for poor stamina, weakness, inflammation of glands, chronic discharges, uncharacteristic odor from feet, boils and abcesses, earaches, splinters, and inflamed eyelids. Symptoms are worse in cold air and better with warmth. Those who require this remedy may exhibit mental exhaustion, nervousness, and excitability.
TRAUMEEL A versatile pain reliever, Traumeel provides temporary relief of minor aches and pains associated with injuries, sprains, muscle aches and bruises, as well as minor arthritis pain and inflammation. For over 50 years physicians have been recommending Traumeel as a safe alternative to anti-inflammatory drugs. Backed by over two-dozen scientific and clinical studies, Traumeel is the number one selling combination homeopathic product worldwide. GREAT FOR PETS!
Keys to finding a good quality food are:
Chicken, Lamb, Fish, Venison, Beef as the #1 ingredient (meal is acceptable)
Avoid the generic term of MEAT
Made with all-natural or Human-Quality Ingredients
Life-Stage Appropriate (Large Breed Puppy, Adult, Senior, etc)
Whole grains (avoid mill runs, hulls, middlings)
NO by-products or Artificial Colors or Dyes
Natural preservatives such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E, rosemary, and mixed tocopherols
Avoid animal digest and "animal" fat
Fruits and vegetables on the ingredient label is a PLUS!
-->You can always supplement your Pet's Diet with fresh fruit and veggies such as apples, broccoli, canteloupe, carrots, cauliflower, green beans, pumpkin and watermelon.
-->Do NOT Give Grapes, Raisins, Onions, Macadamia Nuts!